
Rear cross brace

Stabilizing cross brace. Fitted in the 3A profile. Foldable with snap lock.

Variants and details

Item number
Compatible with
35 cm 28114 Cross 5, Cross 6, Back support 2C
37,5 cm 28115 Cross 5
40 cm 28116 Cross 5
42,5 cm 28117 Cross 5
45 cm 28118 Cross 5
47,5 cm 28695 Cross 5, Cross 5XL
50 cm 28696 Cross 5, Cross 5XL
52,5 cm 28697 Cross 5, Cross 5XL
55 cm 28698 Cross 5, Cross 5XL
57,5 cm 28699 Cross 5, Cross 5XL
60 cm 28700 Cross 5, Cross 5XL
55 cm 26031 Cross 5XL
57,5 cm 26032 Cross 5XL


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