Dynamic standing is fun and enjoyable!
Poppi is a 6-year-old girl with cerebral palsy, classified at GMFCS level IV. She has been attending Humberston Park Special School in Lincolnshire for 3 years, when she first started using the R82 Meerkat.
The Meerkat is an adaptable posterior and anterior standing frame that provides precision ergonomics and the option to include a rocker under the base plate. When slid into position the rocker allows the child to maintain a stable standing position whilst achieving forwards and backwards movement. This ‘rocking’ exercise allows a child to challenge their postural control.
Therapy sessions
Poppi is one of three participants in a retrospective service evaluation using a case series design to evaluate the impact of using a dynamic stander, the R82 Meerkat, on motor skill performance1.
During the study period, the children used the Meerkat three to four times a week for sessions of 5 to 10 minutes. While in the Meerkat, the children were encouraged to move outside their base of support using activities of interest and engagement for each child. After the study period, the children experienced attainment of predefined therapy goals and improvements in motor skills.
Poppi's goals
One of Poppi’s short time goals before the case study was “to be able to stand at a regular table while engaged in activity for 5 minutes”. After the study period of 5 weeks, she could stand at a regular table using one hand support and engage in activity for 5 minutes and stand independently, with no hand support, for 5 seconds. In the picture, Frances motivates Poppi to reach for the soap bubbles, to move outside her base of support and thereby challenge her trunk control.
Watch the video where physiotherapist Frances George explain Poppi’s development and how it have been fun and enjoyable to use the R82 Meerkat for dynamic standing.
Additional resources about the use of the R82 Meerkat:
Read the Meerkat Brochure: Learning through movement
Suggestions for further reading
Curtis DJ, Woollacott M, Bencke J, Lauridsen HB, Saavedra S, Bandholm T, et al. The functional effect of segmental trunk and head control training in moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental neurorehabilitation. 2017:1-10.
Curtis DJ, Butler P, Saavedra S, Bencke J, Kallemose T, Sonne-Holm S, et al. The central role of trunk control in the gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy: a retrospective cross-sectional study. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015;57(4):351-7.
1 George F, A case series exploring static and dynamic posture: how making static equipment dynamic may improve movement and function of children with neurological impairment. APCP Journal 2018;9:56-63
Paleg G, Livingstone R. Systematic review and clinical recommendations for dosage of supported home-based standing programs for adults with stroke, spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2015;16:358.
Rodby-Bousquet E, Hagglund G. Sitting and standing performance in a total population of children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2010;11:131.
WHO. 2017. Physical activity fact sheet. Available online at: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs385/en/. (Accessed 25 September 2017).
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R82 Meerkat
The Meerkat is a simple upright standing frame with adjustable support for feet, knees, pelvis and chest.
Please note
A case story is used to show an individual product solution and the experiences related to its use.
The configuration and use of the product, including its accessories is determined based on the preferences of the user, their healthcare professionals, the environment, constraints and local market-specific preferences. The case story is only a supplement to the product's manual/assembly instructions and does not in any way replace these instructions. Products, sizes, configurations, accessories shown might not be available on all markets.