Webinar: September 14th
Seats at the Table: Partnering with Families and Children in Equipment Conversations
Join us for a Free Educational Webinar!
Topic: Seats at the Table: Partnering with Families and Children in Equipment Conversations
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Time: 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM PDT Convert to your time zone

Course Description: Caregivers and individuals with disabilities often are without a map when navigating the medical model for themselves or their families. This lack of direction is compounded when interfacing with team members that often do not have a personal frame of reference for disability, caregiving, and sometimes even parenting. As a result, discussions around choosing, obtaining, and using adaptive equipment are sometimes difficult. This presentation is powered by the practical experience of parents and kids as we examine conversations around assistive technology. Participants will gain insights into barriers that exist for kids and families as well as strategies to reduce obstacles through communication, education, and empowerment.

Presented by Expert: Adriana Sabet, PT, ATP
Andrina has presented locally and nationally on mobility and positioning and frequently collaborates with manufacturers regarding product development.
Learning Outcomes:
- The participant will identify 3 caregiving stresses that can affect assistive technology decision-making and utilization.
- The participant will determine 2 strategies identified by families that create an environment for a team approach.
- The participant will compare and contrast how education and communication affect device selection and utilization.

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Credit Webinars
NRRTSCE is certifying the educational contact hours of the program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions.
As an IACET Accredited Provider, The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. Approval for 0.1 CEUs for each course is pending.
The Texas Board of Physical Therapy Association has approved for 1 CCUs for this course.
The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy recognizes the successful completion of education (e.g., workshops, seminars, lectures, online courses, or conferences) with an assessment component at the end of the program provided by IACET-authorized providers.